Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Dear Supporters:

Ed Woods and FBI Misconduct was publicly posted to the Internet on October 6, 2012 by Leonard Peltier through his surrogate, the Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee (LPDOC), as well as distributed to an email list.

Leonard Peltier is individually responsible for the content of this posting which breaches the standard of slander and libel.

Aside from the slander and libel, this is actually a compliment to the NPPA and an admission of failure by Peltier and the LPDOC.

Peltier unsuccessfully tries to tie together and denigrate with disparate allegations that have no relevance, except to demonstrate the success of the NPPA that Peltier is unable to refute the folklore and myth that the NPPA website documents.

This writer will not spend the time discounting all the voluminous errors of Peltier’s allegations, the vast majority of which relate to unreliable, questionable and shallow sources.

 A very minor example being, Anthony J. Pellicano, who is serving fifteen years for a combined 78 counts of criminal activity including wiretapping, racketeering and wire fraud.  He previously served time for illegal weapons possession and was dumb enough to act as his own attorney at one trial. Pellicano is due to get out on his birthday in 2019 from the Federal Prison in Big Spring, Texas. A fabulous source for sure. And this doesn’t even scratch the surface.

Each time Peltier and the LPDOC repeat a myth or promotes a new one, or misstates the facts, the NPPA challenges and corrects those statements with verifiable facts and findings, documenting them with identifiable sources such as: the court records and trial transcripts, Mathiessen’s, “In the Spirit of Crazy Horse, Peltier’s, “Prison Writings,” Miramax’s “Incident at Oglala,” whoisleonardpeltier.info, and most significantly, co-conspirators, Bob Robideau and Dino Butler, and of course to a great extent, Leonard Peltier himself.

Peltier’s and the LPDOC’s approach remains to segue from the facts, remain unresponsive to challenges to prove any aspect of Peltier’s claims of innocence and to cower when a direct challenge has been lodged against them.

The LPDOC has been uniquely unsuccessful in maintaining either its management and leadership network or a posse of consistently loyal supporters; hence, the constant cry for more funds, which still have never been accounted for.

The end result of this rare attack will have effect only on those few remaining supporters who cannot see beyond the myth or are unwilling or unable to explore and understand the facts. But these are exactly the kind of followers Peltier needs and wants.

“In the Spirit of Coler and Williams”
Ed Woods