Ed Woods Unmasked; coAIMintelpro;
Tactics for the Defeated:
Dear Supporters:
Peltier, the Leonard Peltier Defense
Offense Committee (LPDOC), Peltier supporters (Peltierites) and the scant
remnants of the American Indian Movement (AIM) find it impossible to defend
Peltier with the facts; they lose at every turn. Instead, they engage in
tactics that they themselves accuse the FBI and others of committing, their
perpetual rallying cry is “Cointelpro,” the FBI’s counter-intelligence program that
ended in 1971. Peltierites engage in their own brand of spreading deliberately
false information, either publically or covertly (by planting false rumors), in
order to influence the uninformed and hopefully shift opinion, that by some
bizarre stretch of logic Peltier is innocent and an alleged ‘political prisoner’
who deserves freedom. Or, they obscure the truth, because the facts and the
truth are their biggest challenge. They are unable to debate the facts, so they
attack the messengers. They attempt to discredit targeted individuals using
totally unreliable and uncorroborated sources as gospel, like a doggedly literal child accepting opinion as fact, possibilities
as certainties. When it comes down to specifics, they change the subject,
ignore the question, obfuscate, and fall back on the only defense they can
muster; “It was Cointelpro.”
Please see the continuation of Editorial
Essay #61 at:
“In the Spirit of Coler and Williams”
Ed Woods