Monday, January 20, 2025

BIDEN RELEASES PELTIER; at the last moment

Dear Supporters:


Considering the last four years and recent spate of unconvincing White House pardons and commutations, it comes as no surprise that a brutal convicted double-murderer will see the light of day.


There is little doubt that the President failed to understand the details of the line-of-duty killings of FBI Agents Jack R. Coler and Ronald A. Williams. The likelihood is that some deceptive staffer slid Peltier’s commutation application across the President’s desk, and he just mindlessly signed it. [i] Certainly, the President did not see the dreadful crime scene photograph.  


Peltier sycophants and attorneys, collectively, either do not understand or are predisposed to ignore the facts, understandably so, because facts do not care about feelings and emotions. Marinating in old claims no longer works and will not win over those who have made the effort to review the entire record.[ii]


Over the decades, Peltier’s conviction and consecutive life sentences have been through the courts nearly two-dozen times and not once has his conviction or sentence been altered. Each and every one of his spurious allegations—a tapestry of lies—have been examined in infinite detail and were judged to be meritless. 


Peltier’s unrepentant years of falsehoods have sought to redeem the unredeemable. His feigned innocence and all manner of obvious fabrications, along with instances of admissions of guilt, are clearly a matter of record.[iii] In just about every sense one may imagine, Peltier and the truth are strangers to one another. 

It is a documented fact that Peltier and other American Indian Movement cowards, unprovoked, fired upon the Agents, critically wounding them. On that fateful day Peltier made a conscious decision to viciously end their lives and has lived with the consequences ever since. 


Has justice been served? Are fifty years incarceration enough? No. The rightful sentences have not ended. Nevertheless, all his best years have been behind iron bars. Peltier himself, living in a personal hell of his own making, best described his confinement “Maybe one day you realize one of those voices is your own, and then you really begin to worry.” The vision of Peltier’s heinous act may very well haunt him during nights when he returns to the Reservation. In any event, whether confined or not, his remaining days are finite.


To those many families deeply affected by the recent unconscionable pardons and commutations, you have our respect and sympathies. 


The bravery and sacrifice in the line-of-duty of Agents’ Jack Coler and Ron Williams will never be forgotten; long after Peltier fades from memory.  


“In the Spirit of Coler and Williams”


Ed Woods

Founder, No Parole Peltier Association (April 30, 2000)

[i] In addition to the questionable pardons and commutations, some of the arguably inappropriate awards of the Medal of Freedom and the actions and efforts to obstruct an effective transition of power, history will not treat the Biden administration kindly. Instead, what will be remembered was a feckless president and a disastrous four years for American society, culture and world standing that will doubtless rank at the very bottom.  

[ii] 8th Circuit decision, 9/11/1986. “We have not been so convinced.”

[iii] Admissions of guilt


Sunday, January 12, 2025

FBI Agent Jack R.Coler: 1947 - 1975, Rest in Peace

Dear Supporters:


On this important date, January 12, 2025 is another occasion to remember one of our fallen brothers and FBI Martyr. Taken from his family, his line-of-duty bravery and sacrifice will never be forgotten.


Jack would be turning a respectable seventy-eight and reflecting on his background in the LAPD and FBI, and his dedication to law enforcement, it is easy to consider that after retirement he would have pursued another law enforcement career. Those who personally knew him and had the pleasure working with him, know that whatever Jack did in his later life, he would have been successful. All knew that Jack was a consummate and dedicated professional.


He left behind a widow and two very young sons who may have little remembrance of a wonderful father. His sons, as we do know, are successful in their own right and added five grandchildren, four boys and one girl to the family. They would have surely enjoyed times together that included Jack’s love of the outdoors.


To see Jack as he was then, and to imagine meeting him today, please see the remarkable video produced by the Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI. There, you will learn about the incredible Jack Coler and his equally brave and courageous partner, Ron Williams. [i]


“In the Spirit of Coler and Williams”


Ed Woods




This is a difficult time to reflect on the events of June 26, 1975. Although, on June 2, 2024, Leonard Peltier had his first parole hearing in fifteen years, and was rightfully denied. Director Wray, FBI Agent attorneys at headquarters, and an Assistant Director, along with support from the Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI and the FBI Agents’ Association, ensured that the parole board was clearly aware of the facts: Peltier’s decades of lies and misinformation notwithstanding. 


However, another issue looms over the unprovoked attack on Jack and Ron that fateful day on the Pine Ridge Reservation. President Biden has granted a number of questionable pardons and commutations and it is unknown whether Peltier is under consideration.  In the time that remains, a mere eight days, we will know whether Peltier may be released or justly continue serving the remainder of his consecutive life sentences. 

[i] A tribute to Jack Coler and Ron Williams:

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


Dear Supporters: 


On July 30th, our fallen brother and FBI Martyr would be reaching his seventy-seventh year. 

There is no way of knowing what these decades would have brought, but all who knew him; his family, friends and fellow FBI Agents, understand it would have been a life rich in rewards and accomplishments. Finishing a successful Bureau career and perhaps a second as a professional pilot (flying was one of his real passions), could have been a reality.  Although, close friends knew he was considering law school, so the potential career options were many. Those who knew Ron’s intelligence, dedication, charm and engaging personality could envision a growing and close-knit family while doting over beloved grandchildren.  For those who did not have the pleasure of knowing him personally, The Society of Former Special Agents of the FBl provides us with a deep sense of Ron’s character:


May Ron continue to rest in peace knowing he will never be forgotten. We too, know that Ron and Jack—our guardian angels—are watching over the FBI family, and all across this nation, those in law enforcement who willingly step into the breach, protecting our citizens and society. 


In the Spirit of Coler and Williams

Ed Woods

Peltier; Parole Denied

With an unmistakable sense of karma and no less irony, forty-seven years ago, on June 2, 1977, Peltier was sentenced to two consecutive life sentences for the unprovoked attack, wounding and brutal murder of FBI Agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams. On this past June 2nd his long-sought quest for freedom was dashed once again. And rightfully so.[i]


Peltier’s seven-hour, June 10th parole hearing was brought to a close and likely wrote the final chapter in a decades-long saga of falsehoods, fabrications and provable lies. Peltier’s feigned innocence has once again failed to convince, confirming he is nothing more than a remorseless killer; a lifer paying for his malevolent crimes. 


Nevertheless, this is not a time to celebrate. Jack and Ron are no longer with us, but their memory, bravery and sacrifice in-the-line-of-duty, remains. Peltier undoubtedly hears the clock ticking, perhaps even louder now. His infirmities of the aging process will continue, an inevitable advance he can at least endure, but an opportunity he violently stole from his victims. The only solace at this point is that justice has prevailed.  

[i] Peltier’s latest attorney, Kevin H. Sharp, ( ) has challenged the undeniable fact that the attack by Peltier and other AIM cowards at Jumping Bull was ‘unprovoked.’ Sharp, apparently confused, or unwilling to comprehend the facts and truth—like so many other Peltier sycophants—fails to acknowledge that there was an eyewitness that tragic day. An eyewitness who described to others exactly what was about to happen:    Sharp, believing he’s the smartest former judge and attorney involved in the Peltier charade, has denigrated all those, judges and attorneys who preceded him:    Nonetheless, the reality is that Sharp has brought absolutely nothing new to the Peltier narrative. All he has done is repeat what prior Peltier attorneys claimed and argued, all of which the courts addressed, and in each instance, clearly dismissed. For all his bravado and overinflated ego, he was curiously absent from Peltier’s first parole hearing in fifteen years:   The two attorneys, Jenipher R. Jones and Moira Meltzer-Cohen, sent in his stead, like all the rest, fared no better. Peltier’s age, health and feigned innocence are irrelevant when confronted with the appellate history. Sharp stated he will appeal the decision, resulting in more wasted effort. The facts have not, and will not change. The only difference is that Peltier will be getting older. If health becomes a greater issue, they can transfer him to the federal medical facility in Springfield, Missouri to complete his consecutive life sentences and the seven consecutive years for the armed escape from Lompoc.


Thursday, May 16, 2024


Edward Woods

May15, 2024



Patricia K. Cushwa, Acting Chairperson

U.S. Parole Commission

90 K Street NE, 3rd floor

Washington DC 20530


Re: Leonard Peltier #89637-132

       Parole Hearing, June 10, 2024

       U.S.P. Coleman 1, FL


Dear Ms. Cushwa:


Leonard Peltier and his supporters claim he is a ‘political prisoner.’ This could not be further from the truth. Through decades of folklore and myth Peltier has attempted to change the narrative and alter the truth, however, the facts tell an entirely different story. 


Briefly, as you may know, on June 26, 1975 FBI Agents Coler and Williams were searching for a fugitive on the Pine Ridge Reservation. It is undisputed that Peltier and other members of the American Indian Movement (AIM), in an unprovoked attack, severely wounded both Agents. Agent Williams’s, waving his shirt that he also used as a tourniquet on his partner’s severely injured arm, attempted to surrender, but was ignored. Peltier, with his AR-15 rifle and two other AIM members, approached the defenseless Agents. Both Agents were shot, point-blank in the face. Agent Coler may have been unconscious and had his jaw destroyed. Agent Williams faced his killer as the muzzle was placed against an upraised hand, blowing his fingers through the back of his head. Leonard Peltier was convicted of murder and aiding and abetting, receiving consecutive life sentences and later an additional seven-consecutive years for an armed escape during which prison guards were shot at.


Over the years the Peltier saga has been fraught with an untold number of lies and fabrications. After over two-dozen appeals his conviction has been reviewed in minute detail and has never been altered. 


What follows are but a few excerpts from the lengthy appellate history. Nevertheless, to place Peltier’s heinous crime in its very real perspective, this was the crime scene: 


“Previous federal court decisions provided the (Parole) Commission with ample facts to support its conviction that Peltier personally shot Agent Coler and Williams.” (10th Circuit Court of Appeals, 11/4/2003)


Peltier’s AR-15 rifle, later recovered in Wichita, Kansas: “When all is said and done, however, a few simple but very important facts remain. The casing introduced into evidence had in fact been extracted from the Wichita AR-15. This point was not disputed…” and, “The trial witnesses unanimously testified that there was only one AR-15 in the compound prior to the murders, that this weapon was used exclusively by Peltier and carried out by Peltier after the murders.” (8th Circuit Court of Appeals, 9/11/1986)


Peltier’s only alibi; the lie of Mr. X: For nearly two decades Peltier claimed he knew who killed the Agents, the phantom Mr. X. In a film (Incident at Oglala) Peltier stated “This story is true.” However, one of his AIM cohorts publicly denied this (Dino Butler, 1995), and as well as a Peltier attorney (Michael Kuzma, 11/3/2012)


Peltier has fabricated all manner of conspiracy theories claiming innocence, however, has made public statements demonstrating a total lack of remorse—a critical consideration for granting parole, and his unquestioned guilt:


In the context of June 26, 1975 Peltier publicly stated; “I never thought my commitment would mean sacrificing like this, but I was willing to do so nonetheless. And really, if necessary, I’d do it all over again, because it was the right thing to do.” (2/6/2010). “don’t regret any of this for a minute.” (9/12/2014)


In an unrelated trial, sworn testimony revealed Peltier’s description of what happened that fateful day: “He (Peltier) said the (expletive)was begging for his life but I shot him anyway.”


And in his autobiography (1999, p.15), he offered this unrepentant and repulsive comment to his victim’s families: “I cannot see how my being here, torn from my own grandchildren, can possibly mend your loss. I swear to you, I am guilty only of being an Indian. That’s why I’m here. Being who I am, being who you are—that’s Aboriginal Sin.”


That certainly is not the reason Peltier received consecutive life sentences and an additional seven consecutive years for the armed escape. Although lengthy, the appellate history of Peltier’s conviction is perfectly clear as every spurious claim and allegation made by Peltier has been thoroughly analyzed and refuted. Peltier’s rambling arguments against his conviction and feigned innocence, along with revealing public statements, only reinforce his remorseless guilt.


There are those who deserve parole consideration. However, Peltier is not among them.


With all due respect I would urge the Commission to not grant Peltier parole. He has not earned it. Although he is elderly, FBI Agents Jack R. Coler and Ronald A. Williams, brutally and senselessly murdered, were robbed of their opportunity to fulfill their own lives. 



Edw. Woods

Edward Woods


U.S. Attorney General, Hon. Merrick B. Garland, 950 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington DC 20530, (202) 877-8339 

Sunday, April 28, 2024


April 30, 2024 – 24 Years


Dear Supporters:


April 30th marks the 24th Anniversary of the No Parole Peltier Association’s efforts to ensure that Leonard Peltier continues to serve his consecutive life sentences, plus seven consecutive years for an armed escape, in the brutal and senseless murder of two already wounded and defenseless human beings: Two FBI Agents killed in the Line-of-Duty. 


The mission of the NPPA, as it has been from the beginning, is to honor the memory and sacrifice of Special Agents Jack Coler and Ron Williams. They will never be forgotten. 


Although there was some activity earlier in 2023,, things have been quiet on the Peltier front since the October 6, 2023 letter from thirty U.S. legislators and three U.S. Senators who are collectively ignorant and uninformed about the facts supporting Peltier’s conviction. They, like Peltier sycophants, and attorney rely on emotion, myth and folklore instead of understanding the facts and Peltier’s appellate history.


Peltier is in his fiftieth year of incarceration and the fundamental question is whether he has served enough time for his psychopathic and brutal criminal act. The answer was, and remains, he has not.


“In the Spirit of Coler and Williams”

Ed Woods


A painful reminder of June 26, 1975, Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota


A recap of 2023:

Another year has passed and the mission of honoring the sacrifice of Special Agents’ Jack R. Coler and Ronald A. Williams, brutally murdered in the Line of Duty, remains as steadfast as ever. That commitment began on April 3, 2000 with a coincidental and casual meeting with Jack Coler’s youngest son, who was but one and a half when his father was murdered. Twenty-seven days later, Peltier’s decades of lies and fabrications were challenged in the public forum. 

Over the past couple of years Peltier’s hopes of a commutation have risen, believing that the current administration and some additional support will overcome the decades of what has been the relatively successful myth founded on a mountain of fabrications and lies.


Among more recent supporters is former South Dakota, Unites States Attorney, James H. Reynolds. Reynolds public statements concerning his involvement in the Peltier case, based on the actual record, are simply unsupportable. Reynolds motivation is unclear other than perhaps he actually believes his involvement is provable. See the following NPPA Blogs to completely discredit Reynold’s fabricated claims: 1/5/17, 12/2/17, 1/1/18, 1/26/11, 1/20/22, 2/7/22. 

Peltier’s most recent pro bono attorney, former federal judge, Kevin H. Sharp, is simply repeating tired and discredited claims that have failed all of Peltier’s prior attorneys. Sharp is a shameless propagandist for his unrepentant, double-murder client. See the following NPPA blogs that not only discredit his public claims but exposes his brazen defamation of prior Peltier-related judges and attorneys. Sharp believes he is smarter than the rest but the proof lies elsewhere. NPPA blogs discredit Sharp’s shallow efforts; 1/31/22, 2/22/22, 2/2/22, 8/14/22, 10/7/22, 11/26/22, 3/11/23, 3/24/23, 3/31/23 

Friday, January 12, 2024

SA Jack R. Coler: 1947 – 1975, Rest in Peace. PELTIER UPDATE

Dear Supporters:


This is another important occasion to take a moment and remember one of our own. Jack, would now, January 12th, be turning a respectable seventy-seven and considering the stamina and energy he displayed during his law enforcement careers in the LAPD and FBI, he would most likely be an active, productive, even enviable, septuagenarian. Jack was many things beyond a loyal husband, devoted father, and beloved son and brother. For those who had the pleasure and honor to know and work with him, he was a consummate dedicated and courageous professional. These were just some personal traits that come to mind when we remember Jack Coler. Others are partner, friend and the unquestionable character qualities of Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity. Jack left behind a loving wife, and two young sons who may have only a faint memory of their devoted, caring and courageous father. 


At this point there is no way of knowing what these last many years may have brought. Those who knew him could easily imagine a life rich in accomplishments with strong family ties. Long retired from a productive Bureau career and with Jack’s commitment and dedication to law enforcement, he may have pursued another career as a Chief of Police. These intervening years would certainly include his love of Nature and the outdoors, exploring new and exciting places with his sons and grandchildren.


All the potential enjoyment, happiness, successes and challenges conquered, could have been of a life that was stolen from him by the cowards of Jumping Bull on that agonizing and tragic day in 1975.


To see Jack as he was then, and to imagine meeting him today, please see the remarkable video produced by the Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI, available on YouTube. There, you will learn about the incredible Jack Coler and his equally brave and courageous partner, Ron Williams[i]


“In the Spirit of Coler and Williams”

Ed Woods



There will come a time as Peltier soon turns eighty, that at one point, likely sooner than later, he will meet his Creator. He will then, for the first time ever, be compelled to finally tell the truth and separate himself from a lifetime of falsehoods. Although the Christian belief in Heaven and Hell are not entirely accepted in Native American culture, perhaps there is a Hell and also a Hell on Earth, that for these past years Peltier has rightly experienced when he aptly told us, “There’s an ever-present background chorus of shouts and yells and calls, demented babblings, crazed screaming, ghostlike laughter. Maybe one day you realize one of those voices is your own, and then you really begin to worry.”


Native culture accepts the belief that after death, life continues, regardless if in their Earthly life they were a good or bad person. There certainly may have been many times that Leonard Peltier looked back and wished he had taken different actions and made other decisions that fateful day. If the ‘unprovoked attack’ on the Agents had ended there, and Peltier was later arrested and convicted for assault or attempted murder and aiding and abetting, his sentence may have been already served and over[ii]  He could have been free a long time ago. 


Nonetheless, he was compelled to take that final step and brutally murder two wounded and defenseless human beings. That assumes, of course, that as Peltier and the other cowards fled, aid would have reached the Agents in time. Jack’s nearly fatal and massive wound likely left him unconscious. But Agent Williams was alive and faced his killer; a defensive hand raised against the barrel of Peltier’s AR-15. The fake warrior had figured out one thing for certain, dead men make poor witnesses. Moreover, adding to the depravity of his actions, in an unrelated murder trial, sworn testimony revealed that Peltier described Agent Williams’ final moments; “The M-F was begging for his life, but I shot him anyway.”


The result, had Jack succumbed to his devasting wound, would have ultimately ended as it did anyway for Peltier. Murder has no Statute of Limitations and life-sentences are the result. 


Today, on Peltier’s somewhat dated website homepage, an oversized banner recognizes his past birthday, last September. Scattered amongst many unrelated commercial advertisings are the same tired rhetoric and falsehoods. The website, and perhaps Peltier’s “committee” is getting a bit stale, not unlike it has a number of times in the past.


Aside from hearing his own voice echoing from concrete walls, perhaps among those voices Peltier may hear those of his victims. He may also faintly hear the phantom Mr. X. No, wait, that can’t happen; Peltier’s only alibi is a proven lie[iii]

[i] The incredible video dedicated to Jack and Ron:

[ii] Response to Peltier attorney’s public misstatement regarding an ‘unprovoked attack’

[iii] The years-long lie of Mr. X:

Tuesday, October 24, 2023



Dear Supporters:


With little surprise, thirty U.S. legislators and three U.S. Senators, known for their far-left views, signed an October 6, 2023 letter to President Biden calling for the release of the convicted brutal murderer, Leonard Peltier.[1]


Even less surprising, they demonstrate a fundamental lack of knowledge of the facts surrounding the brutal murder of FBI Agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams. The letter provides more of the same perpetuated Peltier myth, folklore and easily challenged misinformation.


Peltier was undoubtedly excited to read this letter but missed the obvious point; the pathetically minor support it offered. Six percent (6.17%) of the entire U.S. Congress is hardly a ringing endorsement. They call for clemency (that he could never deserve), commutation (not quite adding up to two consecutive life sentences plus an additional seven years for an armed prison escape) or a compassionate release that hardly breaches the depth of his unprovoked attack and brutal slaying of two already severely wounded human beings.[2] Peltier is old and has health issues. Nonetheless, he showed none of the compassion for his victims that he now demands for himself. Both Jack and Ron are still dead, robbed of their ability to grow old, while Peltier remains as remorseless as ever.


This collectivist herd offers little support for their cause by even mentioning the now deceased World War II hero and highly respected federal court of appeals jurist, Gerald Heaney. They failed to understand the significance of Judge Heaney’s involvement in the Peltier matter.


Yes, Judge Heaney, based on his own personal feelings concerning the history of Native Americans, called for some compassion. However, Judge Heaney, who twice authored Peltier appellate decisions, along with many other federal judges, had no difficulty identifying Peltier’s guilt and fate, based on facts and the law, not emotions. 


The Thirty-three failed miserably to recognize a very obvious fact that the most critical decision in the entire Peltier saga was authored, with a unanimous panel, by none other than Judge Heaney.[3]  Judge Heaney played a critical role in Peltier’s appellate history, a history where none of well-over two-dozen appeals altered his conviction or sentence.[4]


This letter provides the President with an issue that has been through the courts and thoroughly dismissed; “…(Peltier) is serving two life sentences in a maximum-security prison for Aiding and Abetting.” For Aiding and Abetting? Well, of course, because it suits their purpose, they only offer half the facts and a not so minor detail of his conviction.


Among many other appellate decisions, even Peltier’s initial Direct Appeal clearly stated, “After a twenty-five-day trial, Peltier was convicted by a jury of both counts of first-degree murder.[5]

The issue of Aiding and Abetting was argued by Peltier attorneys and resulted in a final decision by the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals on July 7, 1993: “Peltier’s arguments fail because their underlying premises are fatally flawed. The government tried the case on alternative theories; it asserted that Peltier personally killed the agents at point blank range, but that if he had not done so, then he was equally guilty of the murder as an aider and abettor.[6] Exactly what part of “fatally flawed” do the Thirty-three not comprehend, or more precisely, why they elected to keep it hidden and buried under years of Peltier myth and folklore[7]


Their letter also fails to offer the President proper context by quoting a ‘benign’ statement from former U.S. Attorney James Reynolds; “his conviction and continued incarceration is a testament to a time and system of justice that no longer has a place in our society.” The signers obviously avoided quoting some of Reynolds provably false and outrageous public statements. 


For some reason, known only to Reynolds, he completely misrepresented his authority and involvement regarding the prosecution of Leonard Peltier. Reynolds’ public statements are a gross misstatement of the record.  Reynolds contributed nothing what-so-ever to what went into the final brief on Direct Appeal or into any of the subsequent government briefs resisting Peltier’s numerous attempts to obtain Post Conviction Relief (taken from a direct quote)[8]Reynolds, despite his previous position, is devoid of any credibility. Nonetheless, the Thirty-three have little conscience when it comes to providing the whole truth. 


“In the Spirit of Coler and Williams” [9]

Ed Woods



33-Signatories of the October 6, 2023 letter

1-President Joseph Biden, Washington, DC (In letter form)

1-U.S. Attorney General, Merrick Garland, Washington, DC (In letter form)

1-U.S. Pardon Attorney, Honorable Elisabeth G. Oyer, Washington DC (In letter form)

1-Hon. Christopher Wray, Director, FBI, Washington, DC (In letter form)

[2] “Unprovoked?” During a publicly broadcast interview, Peltier’s most recent attorney, Kevin Sharp, made a materially false statement to support his pro bono client. Contrary to Sharp’s public claim, Agents Coler and Williams were subjected to an unprovoked attack by Peltier and other American Indian Movement cowards. The trial record, testimony, evidence and the federal Courts of Appeal clearly demonstrate that Sharp, like so many others, is willing to fabricate and promote the Peltier myth. It was clearly proven that there was an eyewitness to the initial unprovoked attack; Agent Ronald Williams.

[3] 8th Circuit Court of Appeals decision 9/11/86:

[4] Judge Heaney: A thorough review of his involvement in the Peltier matter:


[5] 8th Circuit Court of Appeals, Direct Appeal, decision 9/14/78:

[6] 8th Circuit Court of Appeals, decision 7/7/93:

[7] Peltier wanted poster: another early example of charges. Indicted 11/25/75 for ‘murder’ and ‘aiding and abetting.’

[8] Two of six previous Blogs castigating James Reynolds’ erroneous pubic statements. See the ‘James Reynolds’ portions of the following:

[9] The Thirty-three letter quotes retired FBI Agent Coleen Rowley. Rowley had no personal involvement in the Peltier matter, the RESMURS, Reservation Murders investigation, Peltier’s trial and conviction or the multiple appeals that followed. She is entitled to her opinion, no matter how irrelevant it may be.