Tuesday, July 30, 2024


Dear Supporters: 


On July 30th, our fallen brother and FBI Martyr would be reaching his seventy-seventh year. 

There is no way of knowing what these decades would have brought, but all who knew him; his family, friends and fellow FBI Agents, understand it would have been a life rich in rewards and accomplishments. Finishing a successful Bureau career and perhaps a second as a professional pilot (flying was one of his real passions), could have been a reality.  Although, close friends knew he was considering law school, so the potential career options were many. Those who knew Ron’s intelligence, dedication, charm and engaging personality could envision a growing and close-knit family while doting over beloved grandchildren.  For those who did not have the pleasure of knowing him personally, The Society of Former Special Agents of the FBl provides us with a deep sense of Ron’s character: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozhEumzwgKA


May Ron continue to rest in peace knowing he will never be forgotten. We too, know that Ron and Jack—our guardian angels—are watching over the FBI family, and all across this nation, those in law enforcement who willingly step into the breach, protecting our citizens and society. 


In the Spirit of Coler and Williams

Ed Woods

Peltier; Parole Denied

With an unmistakable sense of karma and no less irony, forty-seven years ago, on June 2, 1977, Peltier was sentenced to two consecutive life sentences for the unprovoked attack, wounding and brutal murder of FBI Agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams. On this past June 2nd his long-sought quest for freedom was dashed once again. And rightfully so.[i]


Peltier’s seven-hour, June 10th parole hearing was brought to a close and likely wrote the final chapter in a decades-long saga of falsehoods, fabrications and provable lies. Peltier’s feigned innocence has once again failed to convince, confirming he is nothing more than a remorseless killer; a lifer paying for his malevolent crimes. 


Nevertheless, this is not a time to celebrate. Jack and Ron are no longer with us, but their memory, bravery and sacrifice in-the-line-of-duty, remains. Peltier undoubtedly hears the clock ticking, perhaps even louder now. His infirmities of the aging process will continue, an inevitable advance he can at least endure, but an opportunity he violently stole from his victims. The only solace at this point is that justice has prevailed.  

[i] Peltier’s latest attorney, Kevin H. Sharp, ( ksharp@sanfordheisler.com ) has challenged the undeniable fact that the attack by Peltier and other AIM cowards at Jumping Bull was ‘unprovoked.’ Sharp, apparently confused, or unwilling to comprehend the facts and truth—like so many other Peltier sycophants—fails to acknowledge that there was an eyewitness that tragic day. An eyewitness who described to others exactly what was about to happen:  https://tinyurl.com/yj8p49fb    Sharp, believing he’s the smartest former judge and attorney involved in the Peltier charade, has denigrated all those, judges and attorneys who preceded him:   https://tinyurl.com/yc4yuu5z    Nonetheless, the reality is that Sharp has brought absolutely nothing new to the Peltier narrative. All he has done is repeat what prior Peltier attorneys claimed and argued, all of which the courts addressed, and in each instance, clearly dismissed. For all his bravado and overinflated ego, he was curiously absent from Peltier’s first parole hearing in fifteen years:  https://www.noparolepeltier.com/debate.html#paroledenied   The two attorneys, Jenipher R. Jones and Moira Meltzer-Cohen, sent in his stead, like all the rest, fared no better. Peltier’s age, health and feigned innocence are irrelevant when confronted with the appellate history. Sharp stated he will appeal the decision, resulting in more wasted effort. The facts have not, and will not change. The only difference is that Peltier will be getting older. If health becomes a greater issue, they can transfer him to the federal medical facility in Springfield, Missouri to complete his consecutive life sentences and the seven consecutive years for the armed escape from Lompoc.