Monday, November 27, 2017


Dear Supporters:

A November 11th communiqué from Peltier/ILPDC revealed some interesting details and potential conflicts as they have established their new “National Office here in Tampa, FL.”

Apparently, the November 6th Tulsa concert didn’t meet expectations. According to the ILPDC they “didn’t raise as much money as we had hoped.”  (Yet, did anyone catch the November 10th ILPDC press release entitled, “The Concert was a Wonderful Success.” Mixed messaging is a Peltier staple.)

The NPPA has been informed that the concert was poorly attended and probably lost money. There were approximately 1900 seats available and less than half were filled. There was very little fundraising activity at the venue. Aside from the poor timing of the event (months from now no one will even remember) it is just another indication that Peltier’s notoriety continues to slip away.

The concert begs the question; just how much did they raise?  Though the amount raised was not disclosed; where it allegedly went was. According to the ILPDC “The money raised went directly into Leonard Legal Trust account.” (Which is odd that it isn’t the Leonard Peltier account. But perhaps that was just a typo or oversight.) However, this bears the markings of an oxymoron; it is remarkable that a convicted felon/inmate is having money from various sources funneled into a “legal trust.”

Solicitations for donations of checks, money orders, PayPal and purchasing Peltier’s artwork continues in earnest, which raises again some curious questions.

It certainly sounds like there’s a business being run, at Peltier’s direction and on his behalf, from the ILPDC National Office at 116 W. Osborne Ave., Tampa, FL 33603

Nevertheless, the Florida Solicitation of Contributions Act (FSCA) regulates solicitation of public contributions and requires full disclosure of certain information from persons soliciting contributions in Florida.

The FSCA requires anyone who solicits donations from people in the State of Florida to register with the department and renew annually. The department collects registration fees and has authority to impose penalties for non-compliance.

Are Leonard Peltier and his International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee complying with Florida laws as they fund the Leonard Legal Trust account?

The City of Tampa has certain business operating requirements and states that it is unlawful for any person to engage in a regulated business without a current business-operating permit. And, in fact, each day of operation without a permit constitutes a separate offense. The city goes on to require that any person who shall commence operation of a regulated business before obtaining a business operating permit shall pay double the application fee prescribed for that business. The payment of the double fee shall not preclude, nor be deemed a substitute for prosecution, as provided for elsewhere in the city code.

Peltier’s ILPDC is located in a single-family residence in Tampa. There are likely zoning requirements regarding potentially operating a business from a single-family residence.

            Are Leonard Peltier and his International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee conforming to the City of Tampa (and Hillsboro County) business and zoning regulations? That remains to be seen.

“In the Spirit of Coler and Williams”
Ed Woods

1) In November Peltier sent yet another rambling message filled with characteristically disjoined claptrap and rhetoric.  For the benefit of diehard Peltierites who are unable or incapable of seeing through the fog of Peltier myth, folklore and fabrications and to help connect the—dots—regarding the hypocrisy of the money train, he publicly provides us with this little gem:

The air, the water, the soil, all of nature is screaming against the injustice that is continually perpetrated by those who worship moneyand Peltier continues with…If you have any questions about donations for my new legal team please call our new office in Tampa, FL.” (Leonard Peltier, November 23, 2017)

From Peltier’s lips to God’s ears.

Actually, from a convicted double-murderer’s lips to the Creator’s ears.

A time will be here, one day, when Peltier will face the Creator and mumble his truth about what actually happened at Jumping Bull, and Jack and Ron will be watching.

2) Curiously, on 11/20/17 a Florida corporate filing was rejected. The reason is not clear but the filing was for the International Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee. Oddly though that the Peltier website clearly lists it as the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee. Offensive as much of the material on the Peltier website may be, is this just another example of the mixed messaging from the Peltier camp?

Monday, November 13, 2017


Dear Supporters 

Thanks to the talent and creativity of retired FBI Special Agent Fernando Candelario, please visit the link below for a song written and dedicated to the memory and sacrifice of Jack Coler and Ron Williams.

Fernando’s interest in music and playing the guitar began at age thirteen as a U.S. Army dependant in Panama. Fernando started his thirty-year FBI career in 1972 as a support employee and became a Special Agent in May 1978. He was promoted to a Supervisory position and finished his productive career and an Assistant Special Agent in Charge of a field office.  During his career, Fernando served in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Miami, Florida, FBI Headquarters, Washington, D.C., the U.S. Embassy in Panama and Dallas, Texas.

Fernando’s heartfelt dedication for Jack and Ron can be heard, along with many other original songs, at

“In the Spirit of Coler and Williams”
Ed Woods

(P.S. If the link doesn’t connect to the video, either cut and paste into a browser or go to and search for the Murder of Coler and Williams)