where Peltier's alleged innocence is dismantled.
Recently posted to Rezinate by the NPPA:
When launched on April 30, 2000, the NPPA was the only website, to my knowledge, (aside from the FBI Minneapolis Office that had a RESMURS section), to challenge what was the dominance of the LPDC on the Internet. The initial reaction was rabid and rapid. It started with a “guest book,” (admittedly naively) believing that there could be some meaningful debate. After about six months of trying to reason with Peltier supporters (with the record and facts) it became a diversion…perhaps their intention…because every time it came down to specifics, the response was to segue into the ether of irrelevance, or the old standby, Cointelpro. So it was shut down. In the meantime the “Debate Continues” section continued with Editorial Essays laying out the facts and responding to every-single-one of Peltier’s shallow claims of innocence. Much of this was shared with him personally in July 2009. All the questions have been answered and the material speaks for itself; now the periodic Blog is sufficient to bring current issues up to date. I have neither the time nor the patience to reargue points with people who’s minds are closed or with those obstinate ones who don’t have the proverbial dog in the fight, or that it’s in their nature just to be annoying. Although, some personal debates have resulted in Peltier supporters changing their opinions about the folklore they had accepted as fact; the out of touch with reality Swearingen being one of them. The many others I have kept in confidence. And, to be certain (because the evidence was there years ago that the LPDC was keeping important matters…from…Peltier), that every time something is posted on the website, Peltier, initially at Leavenworth, then Lewisburg, and now at Coleman, receives a hard copy in the mail. And as for clemency, and for whomever cares what anyone in Belgium has to say on the matter, we’ll just remind those who will contemplate his freedom what he said not very long ago, “I never thought my commitment would mean sacrificing like this, but I was willing to do so nonetheless. And really, if necessary, I’d do it all over again, because it was the right thing to do.” And, of course, the old standby of Peltier watching as Joe Stuntz put on the dead agent’s jacket, and smiling. Peltier wasn’t in Seattle that day. I’ll leave the exposure of AIM to those, like Rezinate, LBW and others, who have studied, experienced it, and know the facts about the damage AIM has done to the ’cause’ of Native American rights. The NPPA will concentrate on Peltier, exposing his lies and fabrications, ensure he remains where he is, while continuing to honor the memory and sacrifice of two young men who died a brutal death at his hands.
"In the Spirt of Coler and Williams"
Ed Woods